RFID Weapon Tracking Management

Identium provide RFID Weapon tracking Management System is designed to keep track of all weapons and their equipment using RFID technology.

We provide Barcode/ RFID tagging strategy for managing Arms and ammunition.
Portal management to monitor individual authorizations and issue of licenses and permissions as well as total asset management control

Benefits Of RFID Weapon Tracking Management

  • Implement paperless check-in and check-out and track usage history
  • Accelerate and improve the accuracy of cycle counts
  • More easily locate specific weapons and identify assets that require upkeep or re-certification
  • Automatically associate issued weapons with personnel and verify the qualifications of the individual to receive the issued weapon

Solutions We Provide

  • Weapon Management
  • Licensing
  • Storage and Retrieval
  • Tagging strategy 
  • Cloud based asset management

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